What Laser Tattoo Removal Machine We Have For Your Tattoo Shop?
Author:baishilf Time:2022-02-09 10:34:16
A tattoo is an external pigment on the skin, and the laser can remove the tattoo very effectively. The main working theory of the laser tattoo removal machine is that the laser blasts the paint into tiny particles. And then, the cell will swallow the particles. The different laser will make different size of particles; in this post, we will share our laser tattoo removal machines for your tattoo shop.
The first machine is our portable laser tattoo removal machine ; it is also a q switched nd YAG laser tattoo removal machine.
Advantages Of The Q Switched Nd Yag Laser Tattoo Removal Machine:
1. 3 types of laser(532nm / 1064nm / 1320nm). Suitable for all skin types and tattoos.
2. Maximum power can reach 1600mj. Another laser can usually get only1000mj
3. 1-10Hz. This laser can be fired at ten shots per second maximum, and the treatment is much faster. The typical laser is only 1-5Hz or 6Hz.
It has three treatment tips optional:
532nm wavelength: remove light color pigments like shallow red, brown, pink, etc.
1064nm wavelength: remove deep color pigments like black, blue, scarlet red, bottomless coffee, etc.
1320nm wavelength: professional for skin rejuvenation, blackhead removal, skin whitening, etc.
This machine is economical and suitable for some small start up tattoo removal shops.
The second machine is our picosure laser machine. It is also a portable laser tattoo removal machine. The difference with the above q switched nd YAG laser tattoo removal machine is that the picosure can break the tattoos into smaller particles.
The advantages of the picosure laser machine.
The faster the laser, the less heat is produced. The excess heat from slower lasers can damage the skin and lead to scarring, but the Picosecond laser is so lightning fast that it doesn’t burn skin tissue. The picosecond laser is also able to break ink particles into smaller pieces than a Q-Switch, which means faster ink absorption, shorter treatment times, and more complete removal.
TAG: Laser Tattoo Removal Machine